'Halloween' Inspired 'Myers House' Owner in Search of Housemate
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July 27, 2017 By Chelsea T.

Photo by The Myers House NC via Facebook
Photo by: https://www.facebook.com/myershousenc/photos/a.302458517106.188909.299435802106/10155054729522107/?type=3&theater
Are you a fan of the classic 'Halloween?' If so, how would you feel about living inside the actual Myers House? That's right! The current owner of the home in Hillsborough, North Carolina is looking for a housemate!
The life-size replica of the home from the 1978 horror film is owned by Kenny Caperton, and he recently posted to the home's Facebook page to let everyone know that he is seeking a male or female roommate to occupy an unfurnished bedroom that features a bathroom and walk-in closet.
According to TWC News, the home is located about a half hour from downtown Durham and along with Kenny, Emily Caperton also resides at the home, with their two cats Loki and Siva.
Would you ever live in the Myers House? Let us know in the comments below!
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