
Biltmore Village Inn - Reed House - Asheville NC Haunted Place

  • 119 Dodge Street
  • Asheville, NC
  • 828-274-8707
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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After a successful sale of the land that would be Biltmore Village to George Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt's lawyer, Samuel Reed, had his mansion built where it still stands today. Now operating as the Biltmore Village Inn, the building has quite the history of paranormal occurrences. It seems that the first recorded incident was in the 1970s, where heavy footsteps were heard climbing the stairs, but not a single person was around. Another story tells of a group of guests sitting in a communal room laughing about the alleged ghost stories, when, out of nowhere, the Christmas tree came crashing down.

Some of the stories are a bit more lighthearted, in that the ghosts apparently have a fascination for billiards. Balls in the billiards room are heard hitting together, and racked balls that are left on the table are sometimes broken apart or moved to entirely different parts of the room. In addition to the billiards room, the Circus and Lavender Rooms are both said to contain spirits, since the doors to both rooms open and shut at random.
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  • Someone Tugged on the Bedcovers in the Biltmore Suite

    The Biltmore Village Inn is a beautiful bed and breakfast, and we stayed in the lovely Biltmore Suite for two evenings (November 6-7, 2017). Early in the morning on the day of our departure, I was awakened by a brief, gentle tug on the bed covers on my side of the bed. I thought I imagined it, but then it happened twice again within moments. I turned in that direction - fully wide awake, and did not see anything, nor had the bed covers moved (slipped off the bed). I had the impression that a little girl had come into the room and tugged on the bed covers - as if to wake sleeping parents. I did ask the owner if there had been instances of paranormal activity in the home, and told her about my experience.

    Posted 11/14/17

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3382 days ago)

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