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Fort Fisher - Real Kure Beach Haunted Place

  • 1610 Fort Fisher Boulevard South
  • Kure Beach, NC
  • 910-458-5538
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Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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Fort Fisher served as a crucial protection point for the Confederate Army between 1861 and 1865. The fort existed as a barrier to protect Wilmington's trade point, which it did so admirably until its capture by the Union Army in 1865. Since a raging battle led to the fall of Fort Fisher, and ultimately aided the Union in winning the war two months later, many disturbed spirits are believed to still be at the site. Paranormal occurrences range from energy orbs, phantom footsteps, falling items, and sporadic gunfire.

Among the most “famous” spirits thought to be lingering are Robert E. Harill, a mysterious outcast that died under equally mysterious circumstances, and General William Whitting, who was taken prisoner and died in 1865 at Fort Columbus. Many believe that Whitting's spirit returned to Fort Fisher out of an inability to reconcile with the loss of life and goals; losses that he still feels directly responsible for.
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  • Soldier Ghost picture

    I was walking through Battle Acres at night with my husband when I saw someone walking towards us. I asked my husband who it was and when he looked there was no one there. I then began to snap random pictures throughout the area when I captured what appears to be a campfire with soldiers sitting there. They were sitting in the area of the youpon mound. This area is a gravesite with buried bones. 2700 soldiers died in the area during the civil war. On other occasions, I heard boot footsteps approaching me. I was told that it may be General Whiting, I did not take any pictures as I was moving too fast to take any. I did not stay.

    Posted 3/18/21

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Contact Phone #: 910-458-5538

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Last edit to this listing: 12/18/2015 (3385 days ago)

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