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North Carolina State University - Raleigh NC Real Haunted Places

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  • Raleigh, NC
  • 919-515-2011
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Like most of the colleges in North Carolina, NC State is also prone to the occasional ghostly sighting. The university's rumors circle around a student that attended the school in the 1980s. According to the story, she committed suicide by jumping off the D.H. Hill Library's roof. It is on this same roof the students and faculty have reported sightings of a ghostly silhouette. Additionally, there is talk of a construction worker haunting the Bell Tower, but it is unclear who this spirit is or why he has chosen the location as his haunting ground.
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  • DH Hill spirit, suicide CA. 1988

    I recall reading about Lorre Nell's death in the News and observer and the article got me interested in Rocky Horror and I had even had some artwork submitted in a Rocky Horror fanzine that was put out by a man that turned out to be an old boyfriend of hers named Bruce Cutter.

    Posted 8/19/18

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  • Sucked

    This place can't be haunted it was just fine I went there 3 times to be sure of it too!

    Posted 2/1/18

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  • DH Hill spirit, suicide CA. 1988

    I knew that girl, her name as she gave it was Lore Nell, and she was from the north, I believe. She was about 5'7", pale and lithe with shoe-polish black hair, dyed from medium brown. And I, as well as many others, did not realize the inner tortures of her life, until we heard she took a running jump off the highest part of the library (it was under some construction). Perhaps someone has seen her, that vulnerable, kind girl from so long ago. I recall how warm and genuine she was, and I believe she deserves the respectful attention in death that was missing from her life . CH

    Posted 7/1/17

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Last edit to this listing: 12/18/2015 (3384 days ago)

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