
Reed Gold Mine - Real Midland Haunted Place

  • 9621 Reed Mine Rd
  • Midland, NC
  • 704-721-4653
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During an afternoon stroll in 1799, Conrad Reed discovered a 17 pound, yellow rock on the property of his father's farm. After keeping it as an unusual oddity for nearly three years, a Fayetteville jeweler offered $3.50 to the Reed family for it. They accepted, not realizing that its market value was $3500.

The significance of this find was not only that it led to the creation of the Reed Gold Mine, but that it was also the first documented gold find in the United States. North Carolina would lead the U.S. gold charge for over four decades, claiming combined values of over $1 million each year before The California Gold Rush consumed the nation.

The ghost story that surrounds Reed's Gold Mine involves Reed's former neighbor, Eleanor Mills. Supposedly, an argument between Eleanor and her husband, Eugene, led to her falling down the stairs. Eugene had left the house at the time, unaware that Eleanor's fall had been fatal. After he returned several hours later, he was horrified to see Eleanor's corpse...still screaming. Consumed by panic and unable to make the noises stop, Eugene dumped his wife's body down a mine shaft near Reed's property. It is said that Eleanor has never stopped screaming.
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  • Slave Workers

    The first time I went down into the mine I was in there by myself. You can hear noises for sure! I looked into a large hole that went way back into the rock and had a vision of slaves being cruelly treated while working in the mine. A huge heaviness can be felt and there is no doubt you are not alone when walking through... but you have to stop and ask them to come to you... they will

    Posted 10/12/19

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  • Strange Light in Photo

    This was my third trip to Reed Gold Mine. My 7-year-old son is a big fan of the mine and it is an amazing historical site. We went in the mine and I kept thinking that there was someone behind us and I turned and looked a couple times but did not see anyone. It was late afternoon and most everyone had left the mine. The third time I had this feeling, I tuned around and immediately snapped a picture. There is a strange, white elongated light in the picture. I took two subsequent pictures and this light was not there. I think it is an orb. I can upload the photo, if you'd like.

    Posted 9/16/17

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Contact Phone #: 704-721-4653

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3382 days ago)

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