
Balsam Mountain Inn - Balsam NC Real Haunted Place

  • 68 7 Springs Drive
  • Balsam, NC
  • 828-456-9498
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Rooms 205 and 207 are said to be the most haunted in the 100-year-old Balsam Mountain Inn. Due to the number of paranormal occurrences, the owners have left a guestbook for visitors to record and share their personal experiences. From the looks of the book, it appears that guests have heard phantom footsteps, banging on hallway walls and doors, and various noises related to the twisting and turning of doorknobs.
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  • apple cinnamon

    My 3 friends and i visited Inn in September of 2020...we were given a wonderful tour and history of the Inn. Our guide took us to the 3rd floor south tower and was telling us of the energy activity in that tower when a wonder smell of apple cinnamon filled the area we were standing in..very strong odor and we were looking for a scented candle or some other aromatherapy device when our guide said there is no candle here since they re not allowed and there is no other device that could create that odor. She said you have just had a paranormal experience. You can feel the energy change in the hallway.

    Posted 9/23/20

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  • TLC Consultants At Balsam Mountain Inn / Grand Old Lady Hotel

    I am a founder and lead investigator with TLC Paranormal in Haywood County. We work as TLC Spirit Consultants at the Grand Old Lady Hotel (former Balsam Mountain Inn. The new owner has embraced the spirits at the 110+-year-old railroad Inn. My crew of sisters and I work with the Inn's owner to keep the energy level quaint and welcoming to the guests. We offer Tales from the spirits to tell what stories have been told to us via the resident spirits at the Inn and to give people to tell us the experiences they've had while visiting the Inn/hotel over the years. We also do paranormal tours at the Inn upon request (by appointment only). To fully experience the inn's haunted history staying a night or two is more than welcomed.

    Posted 4/2/19

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Contact Phone #: 828-456-9498

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3382 days ago)

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