
Western Carolina University - The Moore Building - Real Haunts in Cullowhee NC

  • 1 University Way
  • Cullowhee, NC
  • 828-227-7211
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The story that has floated around WCU for decades involves two female roommates in the 1960s that decided to remain on campus during a school break. Supposedly, one of the girls left the room to go take a shower, but was gone for a suspiciously long time. When the other girl went to go investigate, she stood frozen by the door as a set of scratching noises accompanied a scream from the hallway. Out of seemingly nowhere, a repair man walked by outside the dorm's window and yelled up that everything was okay, and for the girl to stay in her room. She obliged out of a crippling fear, but as it turns out, the other girl had been raped and murdered.

Rumors suggest that the spirit of the murdered girl never left the Moore Building, instead staying to terrify future classes of girls with screaming and crying bouts. In a strange twist on the regular ghost story, the murderer was apparently arrested and served time in a mental institution, only to die in the mid 1980s. Since then, the sightings of the murdered girl's ghost have been few and far between, as it is believed that she has now found peace.
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  • Ghosthunter Mitch can confirm haunts at Moore

    My name is Ghosthunter Mitch, and it's a life mission of mine to document the ghosts and haunts of WNC. The Moore building was always at the top of my list, and was one of the first places I visited. I am a grad of WCU and worked at the radio station, which was (still is?) headquartered right across the street from Moore. In fact, our primary server was located in the basement of Moore, and whenever our station went out, whether it be mid-day or midnight, one of us had to go into Moore to reset the switch. I'll never forget the door closing behind me on one occasion! Also went up there with friends and explored the 2nd floor, and all of us saw something walk by the classroom we were standing in, yet when we checked no one was in the hall. If it was a janitor or someone, they would have surely yelled since it was after hours. Anyway you can read all about it and more of Western and Sylva's haunts on my blog, Thanks!

    Posted 10/30/19

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  • Clarification

    This building is no longer open to the public it has been closed due to a mold problem and is potentially going to be renovated in the future. As of now all doors are locked and there are no trespassing signs as well as security cameras. The building was closed to the public as of 2012 and hasn't been opened to students since.

    Posted 12/11/17

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3382 days ago)

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