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Jackson Building - Asheville NC Real Haunt

  • 22 South Pack Square
  • Asheville, NC
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Places
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An instantly identifiable building in Asheville, the Jackson Building is known for being the first skyscraper in Western North Carolina. At 140 feet tall, the Neo-Gothic building is not only notable for being a main tourist attraction in Asheville, but it was also built on the site of Thomas Wolfe's father's tombstone business.

The building originally featured an 18 million candlepower searchlight and 400x telescope at the top. Unfortunately, the building is used for private purposes and is not open to the public.

The Great Depression hit Asheville very hard, like almost every other city in America. Since the Jackson Building was filled with businesses and office space at the time when the market crashed, it is said that the ghost that haunts the building is that of a businessman who leaped to his death from one of the higher floors.

Supposedly, not only can his face sometimes be seen in a window, but there is apparently a faint bulls-eye on the ground that marks where his body hit the pavement.
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  • Mostly correct

    The Jackson building is one of my favorite odd landmarks in Asheville. The story of suicide by jumping is true, and the bulls' eye below it is also true. It's the only spot on the block with a bulls' eye design and was constructed after the great depression, morbidly hilarious to me. Worth walking past on your way around the town

    Posted 3/20/25

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Visitors to this page: 2,496
Last edit to this listing: 12/11/2017 (2661 days ago)

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