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Prince Charles Hotel - Fayetteville NC Haunted Place

  • 450 Hay Street
  • Fayetteville, NC
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Built in the 1920s, the Prince Charles Hotel survived a rather tumultuous period in U.S. history. Unfortunately, bankruptcy and structure concerns caused it to close in 2010. While there are plans to restore it and create condos and office space, the building apparently is deserted for the time being. Regardless, its ghost story shall continue to live on considering that Charlotte, the building's ghost, can no longer live. The story goes that Charlotte committed suicide after walking into the honeymoon suite and finding her new husband in bed with a bridesmaid. While the event allegedly happened on the seventh floor, reports say that she was known for causing a ruckus and for riding the elevator to the eighth floor.
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  • Not a hoax

    I lived at the Prince Charles from the re-opening in May of 2019 through 2022. While the place was not fully occupied, there were more hauntings. It's no joke and not made up. The spirits weren't malicious- just made themselves known here and there. The elevator would be stuck at floor 11- although there are only 8 floors, electronics would turn on in the middle of the night, heard a woman startled by me and there was no one there.... I just asked God and my angels for protection at night and slept like a baby!

    Posted 11/20/24

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  • Hard to believe

    This is the only site that mentions the Prince Charles as haunted. The hotel is now retail and living space. Never heard any stories of it especially being haunted. Maybe it's time to update your website. I'm a native North Carolinian and have never heard of what you claim.

    Posted 5/29/23

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  • The glance of late bride Charlotte

    Being a teenager at the time, and hearing the ghost stories about the hotel. I asked my mother if I could rent a hotel room for the weekend to experience these ghosts like experiences as we went up to the hotel room for a tour coming out of a road that we recently seen, we spot the lake Charlotte several feet ahead of us in her wedding gown , the sight of her was unreal,the chill went down my bones ,starring at her !!!! Like craziest moment to be able to say you seen a ghost l.

    Posted 3/7/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3381 days ago)

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