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Scandals Nightclub - Real Haunted Place

  • 11 Grove Street
  • Asheville, NC
  • 828-505-1612
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Serving for 30+ years as arguably Asheville's most popular LGBT club, Scandals is simultaneously loved and haunted. While its paranormal ties don't seem to have a negative impact on attendance, there have been reports of a Native American woman's apparition messing with the club's electrical workings.
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  • Creepy when closed

    I can say, as someone with deep ties to the club.. I have never heard anything about a Native American woman. All I hear about is the building maintenance guy/Janitor who hung himself. Since 2014, I have never felt uneasy, or had any experience while being alone early or late at night. The current maintenance guy has stories where he was running the audio, and the volume sliders moved to maximum all by themselves. He put up his hands as the crowd looks at him, and they knew he did not do it. I have also heard about disappearing knives. You might set it down in the Boiler Room.. and reach for it and its not there.. you look everywhere.. you might find it laying on the counter upstairs... or you might come back 20 minutes later and find it laying on the counter downstairs exactly where you placed it. I have been in the pool area, it's very historic but nothing creepy has been seen. I have also been in the crawl space on the outside of the pool walls but still underground.. It's very creepy and cramped, but have never experienced anything in there. Nothing has been experienced in the penthouse to my knowledge, and nothing inside of the untouched, unrestored attic. The building is not as haunted as you would want it to be, nothing has been experienced for years by any employee.

    Posted 7/6/20

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Contact Phone #: 828-505-1612

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Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3369 days ago)

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